JCXS Portfolio


JCXS is DoD’s agile, responsive, and global provider of joint expeditionary acquisition business solutions that fulfill mission-critical requirements, while supporting interagency collaboration. The JCXS contingency deployment platform delivers application integration and business support services, and a portfolio of web-based business solutions for military, government, and civilian organizations that face the challenges of international contracting in contingency and expeditionary environments.

JCXS Overview Image

3in1 Tool

3in1 Logo

3in1 NextGen (NG) is a streamlined solution to automate the SF44 process, including ordering, receiving, and payment—now accessible on smartphones (e.g., iOS, Android), tablets, laptops and desktop. 3in1 NG replaces the legacy 3in1 Tool and is focused on allowing users to quickly fill out SF44 forms and simplifies the process of clearing orders. Additionally, since officers are often in locations with no network connectivity, 3in1 NG has an offline mode. This mode allows users to create SF44s and queue them for clearance when a network connection becomes available.

3in1 Next Gen Capabilities:

  • Ability to reconcile/clear orders in real time
  • Run Purchase Order reports to see the following: Vendor, Price, Quantity, Location, etc.
  • Save orders as a pdf (electronically)
  • Create templates for quick ordering of repetitive purchases
  • Take pictures of receipts associated with each order
  • Upload documents associated with a specific user

Click here to download 3in1NG User Guide

3in1 Next Generation Training Videos

***Note: If the video below failed to load, please click "View" the chapter to play the video.

View Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 1 - Introduction

This chapter provides a high level overview of the 3in1 Next Gen (NG) system.

View Chapter 2 - Create SF44 Template

Chapter 2 - Create SF44 Template

Users will learn how to create a template in the 3in1 NG system that they can use at a later time to fill out SF44’s. This will help users reduce the amount of errors and time spent to fill out orders from vendors.

View Chapter 3 - Placing SF44 Order

Chapter 3 - Placing SF44 Order

This video will show users how to place and upload SF44 orders using the 3in1 NG tool.

View Chapter 4 - My SF44 Status

Chapter 4 - My SF44 Status

In this chapter, users will have the ability to see the status of any orders they have placed and uploaded using 3in1 NG.

View Chapter 5 - Clearing SF44 Order

Chapter 5 - Clearing SF44 Order

In this chapter, Contracting Officers will learn how to clear/reconcile SF44 orders placed by Field Ordering Officers.

View Chapter 6 - KO Manages Users

Chapter 6 - KO Manages Users

This video will show how Contracting Officers can control permissions for all users in their DODAAC.

3in1 Quick Reference Guide

Download 3in1 NG Quick Reference Guide

Registering New Users - KO or FOO

  • There are two roles to be selected from for Registration; Contracting Officer (KO) or Field Ordering Officer (FOO)
  • FOOs have the rights to create and upload SF44s; KOs have the rights to clear orders in addition to the rights of a FOO (Edit this option under User Profile).
    1. On the Welcome page, the user clicks the 'Register' button and selects "Register with CAC" or "Register without CAC".
    2. Enter the First Name, Last Name, Email, Password and Confirm Password into the fields.
    3. For Initial Role, select "Contracting Officer" or "Field Ordering Officer" and enter the correct DODDAC.
    4. An email is sent to the registered user with a link to follow to finalize the registration.
    5. A PMO Admin, DODAAC Admin, or KO will need to set the registered user as active.

Creating and Uploading SF44s - FOO

  • SF44s can be created from a Blank Form or a Saved Template.
  • Creating SF44s from Blank Forms
    1. Select the "Place SF44" button from the Home Screen
    2. Select "Place SF44 from a Blank Form"
    3. Fill in the order fields
    4. Select "Save SF44"
    5. Select "Finalize and Send for Clearance" when complete
    6. Orders can be saved as drafts by selecting the "Save Draft Without Locking SF44" option
  • Creating SF44 Templates
      For reoccurring orders, or orders where information is consistent, select "Manage SF44 Templates" to Create a new SF44 Template. Enter the information that stays consistent, name the Template, and then Save.
  • The FOO can add captured images to the SF44.
  • Once all the required fields are entered, the FOO finalizes the SF44 and submits it for clearance from a KO.

Clearing SF44s - KO

  • When a KO logs in, orders pending clearance will appear on the "Clear SF44s" page.
    1. Select an order and view the content
    2. Once viewed, select the clearance by marking it as Cleared, Flagged, or Unapproved
  • Cleared and Unapproved orders are removed from the KO's Clearance List page. Flagged orders can get edited by a FOO and be resubmitted for clearance.

Generating Reports - PMO Admin, DODAAC Admin or KO

  • A PMO Admin, DODAAC Admin or KO user can generate Purchase Log Reports of uploaded orders.
    1. Select "Generate Reports" from the Home screen, then "Purchase Log Report"
    2. Select "Select a DODDAC" to pull up a list of DODDACs to select from
    3. Select the date range to pull the report from
    4. Once selected, click "Generate Report"
    5. A PMO Admin, DODAAC Admin, or KO will need to set the registered user as active.
  • View the generated report list as an Excel document by selecting "Save Report" then "Open"
  • Save displayed orders as PDFs to view them later

Contact Information

For Comments, Feedback, Training Requests, Questions and/or Concerns, please use "Helpdesk & Feedback" button or contact us at 3in1support@dla.mil

ACSA Global Automated Tracking and Reporting System (AGATRS)


AGATRS is a worldwide, automated solution, supporting the Joint Staff J4, Global Combatant Commands (GCCs) and the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), to manage, document, and track Acquisition Cross Serving Agreements (ACSAs), Implementing Arrangements (IAs) and the subsequent ACSA orders for Logistics Support, Supplies, and Services (LSSS) that are executed under these agreements. AGATRS is the system of record for all DoD agencies to record ACSA transactions. AGATRS is used to supplement information required by financial personnel and senior leadership, and its use is mandatory. AGATRS Key Features:

AGATRS Capabilities:

  • Tracking of Acquisition Cross Serving Agreements (ACSAs), Implementing Arrangements and subsequent ACSA orders for LSSS executed under the agreements
  • Key Logistics/Financial data fields allows cross referencing to other supply/financial systems
  • Digital signature enabled documentation containing all essential data elements
  • Supporting documentation upload features enabling proper accountability for transaction authorization, receiving confirmation, and financial execution documents
  • Advanced, customizable reporting capabilities

To request training materials, or contact the AGATRS team with any questions, please utilize the Helpdesk and Feedback button on the bottom right of the page.

AGATRS Training


AGATRS Training Site

Joint Knowledge Online –AGATRS Essentials (Course #: J3OP-US1295) Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the key concepts of the AGATRS application. It will provide you with the background and understanding of the AGATRS system, including site navigation instructions, and a review of the basic functionality for creating and managing your orders.

AGATRS has three pre-requisite training classes available online via JKO (https://jkodirect.jten.mil)

  • AGATRS Essentials (Course # P-US1295)
  • Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreements (ACSA) Overview (Course # P-US1293)
  • Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreements (ACSA) FOGO Essentials Course(Course #: P-US1294)



The CAAMS (Civilian Armed Authorization Management System) is an application designed to support the management of armed contractors supporting U.S. Forces and provides compliance management tools as well as reporting capabilities. CAAMS offers workflows and business processes to manage the persons, documents, and authorizations associated with each contract.

CAAMS Key Capabilities:

  • Automate the key arming authorization process for submitting, reviewing, approving and executing requests for armed contractors.
  • Ensures armed civilians ans contractors adhere to DoD policy.
  • Manaages access to contract/data through user role assignment.
  • Enforces collection of all documentation equired to receive an arming exception to policy (permission to carry a weapon).
  • Manages all data and documents required to obtain arming authorization.
  • Records all arming authorization reqeusts and tracks investigtaion statuses.

CAAMS Training Folder


CAAMS Training...



The Joint Contingency Contracting System (JCCS) is a U.S. Government Information Technology (IT) system supporting contingency contracting since 2006. Theater Contracting Commands and Host Nation (HN) vendors access the JCCS website for accurate and up-to-date Contingency Business Information (CBI) including: Multilingual Accessibility (Arabic, English, and French); Vendor Registration; Centralized Solicitation Posting; and Electronic Proposal Submission and Retrieval.

JCCS Capabilities:

  • Centralized HN Vendor Management
  • Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) data capture
  • Automated NCAGE Code Assignment
  • Solicitation/Proposal Receipt system
  • Past Performance
  • Vendor Review
  • Command Contract Reporting

Vendors and contracting officials wishing further information about JCCS to include training resources, questions or issues with the JCCS website, or information about upcoming training sessions should email jccs.support@dla.mil

Theater Business Clearance (TBC)

TBC Logo

Theater Business Clearance (TBC) is a web-based automated solution residing on the Joint Contingency and Expeditionary Services (JCXS) platform. It provides the Combatant Commander the ability to synchronize and integrate contracted support flowing into Areas of Responsibility (AOR). TBC is currently applicable to contracts with a total value (base and all options) in excess of $150,000.00 and require contractor personnel to deploy to Afghanistan for a period greater than 30 days. TBC is integrated with the Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker (SPOT) via a web service and provides supporting contingency information.

TBC Capabilities:

  • Three-Phased Process: Pre-Solicitation, Pre-Award and Post-Award
  • All TBC approvals are valid for a 12 month period. The only exception is construction contracts with a period of performance that exceeds 365 days
  • Assures contractor personnel life support requirements are addressed and coordinated prior to contract award
  • Automatic Notifications disbursed when a TBC Package is Assigned, Approved, or Rejected
  • Reporting Feature provides exports in Excel format
  • Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker (SPOT) Web Service: TBC Number and Procurement Instrument Identification Number (PIIN) automatically forwarded to SPOT with the goal of ensuring contractor personnel cannot deploy prior to TBC Approval
  • Upload Feature available for supporting documentation i.e. Performance Work Statement (PWS), Government Furnished Life Support Validation (GFLSV), etc.

For a copy of the current TBC KO Guide and TBC Users Guideline, etc. click on the TBC Training Folder. To contact the TBC team with questions, please utilize the Helpdesk and Feedback button on the bottom right of the page.

TBC Training Folder

TBC Logo

The TBC Training documents can be downloaded below:

Government Furnished Life Support Validation (GFLSV)


Government Furnished Life Support Validation (GFLSV) is a web-based automated solution residing on the Joint Contingency and Expeditionary Services (JCXS) platform. GFLSV effectively records and tracks U.S. and other country contractor personnel, entering and departing Areas of Responsibility, who require Government Furnished Life Support (GFLS).

GFLSV Capabilities:

  • Automates the GFLSV form submission, review, approval, and tracking processes
  • Form status is always visible to include information on contracts, locations, processing time, and who is currently responsible for the form
  • Form can be used for an initial requirement or a change (Increase/decrease/location)
  • System Generated E-mail Notifications are forwarded to applicable roles
  • System Generated GFLSV Approval Numbers are automatically assigned to approved GFLSV
  • Courtesy copy of approved GFLSV forms in PDF automatically forwarded to applicable roles

To contact the GFLSV team with questions, please utilize the Helpdesk and Feedback button on the bottom right of the page.

GFLSV Training Folder


All GFLSV users including the RA, BOS-I (aka the FOB), and OCSIC personnel must be registered in the GFLSV Application. Each user should only register ONCE and there is ONLY 1 Role allowed per user.

  • Your username will be your registered email.

GFLSV is an automated process. The application automates the full request, workflow, routing, and approval. Contracting Officers, please ensure your Requiring Activity (RA) registers to use this application in JCXS.

  • The GFLSV Application may contain competitive, sensitive or other non-public information not intended for disclosure outside official government channels. NOTE: Access is available to government and military personnel.
  • Form status is always visible to include information on contracts, locations, processing time, and the individual currently responsible for the form.
  • Click on the link below to download the User Registration and Training Instructions.

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